Sweet Alchemy

Sweet Alchemy is a pastry shop located in the suburb of Kifisia in the northern region of Athens.  Designed by Kois Associated Architects it belongs to Stelios Parliaros, author of many culinary books and host of a popular patisserie show in Greek TV.

Alchemy is a word associated with mysticism practiced in laboratories full of mysterious devices and potions. These images were the central idea of the project, the recreation of this atmosphere with a contemporary twist.

The role of light was very important and thoroughly studied . Light and shadow change throughout the day giving the space a unique atmosphere every moment. The shop seems like a chamber of treasures,  a golden cage full of precious delicasies, a place that encloses  the sin of the pleasure of the forbidden fruit.

The philosophy of the design requiered raw materials such as iron, bronze, copper and wood.  The designers say that their purpose ” was not the stenographic representation of a mystic environment but the formulation of the spirit of the place, the ‘genius loci’, the atmosphere that will saturate the space and will transform it to a true place with its very own distinctive character”. 

via plusmood