Repurposing Kitchenware

Un-po-per-uno is a very interesting Italian Facebook group that loves enviroment and promotes ideas for recycling and repurposing. You’ll find great stuff like these genious ideas of reusing old kitchenware. Keep your pots and pans and make them useful!

images via Un-po-per-uno

Jewelry Design By Sydney Lynch

Somewhere on facebook I came across this picture with the fabulous necklace above and fell in love with it! What an exquisite piece!! So I wanted to see more jewelry of this talented artist. Her name is Sydney Lynch and she is an American jewelry designer who loves the organic natural forms and contours and this love is reflected in her work. She is also interested in tribal and ancient jewelry that illustrates the human need to arrange found objects in new and meaningful relationships. Have a look at her work and get inspired! 


Scandinavian Style Photography By Mikkel Adsbøl

Mikkel Adsbøl is working as an independent photographer since 2006. From his photo studio on Nørrebro in Copenhagen he does a wide range of photo assignments for ad agencies, commercial clients and editorial media. Have a look at these gorgeous pictures from his portofoglio full of lovely scandinavian interiors.

via mikkeladsbol

Art In The Kitchen

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I strongly believe that art belongs to every single room in the house, especially in auxilliary spaces like the kitchen or the bathroom for that matter. Most of the time when someone chooses wall art for the kitchen prefers something that depicts food for some reason, or maybe flowers.  Lets see some kitchens with interesting art choises.



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Most of these kitchens are kind of unconventional, with no upper cupboards, maybe with some shelves and the paintings look really nice above the sink. Actually they don’t look much like kitchens. 

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If this is not the case for your house you shouldn’t be disappointed, there are other ways to decorate with art your kitchen without dismantle the cupboards.


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Do your best by benefiting from every corner of your kitchen. Use it by displaying your art.



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 Put some nice paintings against the backsplash.

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Let the space above the sink empty and use it to display a beautiful painting. Something you’ll love to see every time you do the dishes!

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A classic painting will give character even to a simple and modest kitchen.

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While a modern abstract painting will look great in a classic kitchen!

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Put some nice small paintings on the shelves, between cups and plates.

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And if the kitchen is plain and indifferent, some bold color on the walls combined with interestiing art will change the look dramatically.  So choose some art pieces and find them a place in your kitchen! 

Sayaka’s Recycled Sculptures

 If you are not familiar with her work I’m sure you’ll love it! Sayaka is an artist born in Japan and currently living in Indiana, USA. She uses discarded objects, mainly made of plastic, like kitchen tools, hangers, etc, to create stunning sculptures inspired by animals and nature. She says about her work that it is a way for her to contemplate and remind herself that even if there is conflict right now, there is a way for all the pieces to fit together.

undulate octopus

EmergenceConv horses

dog recycled

DeepSea fish


        via home-designing

Hotel Daniel In Austria

Hotel Daniel in Vienna, Austria is a smart luxury and urban hotel. It offers relaxing accomodation, open and inviting spaces with a green approach. This hotel seeks the contemporary traveler who wants flexibility. They believe that a metropolitan hotel needs  to give guests an open, uncomplicated lifestyle which doesn’t place any constraints on the guests. Hotel Daniel calls this “smart luxury.” You can chose from four different room types, whatever matches your wishes as well a your wallet.
The hotel has up to 115 rooms and is located in the centre of Vienna. There are four room styles available at the Daniel: the Smart, the Hammock, the Panorama and the Belvedere. Each room offers a unique stay! I’ll take the Hammock room, thank you!!
Is this amazing or what?! The Butterfly chair paired with palletes!!
Love the concrete on the ceiling!

Hotel Daniel also offers guests Vespas and bicycles to use as modes of transportation around the city. How obliging!
spotted on ideas to steal

A Colorful Vintage Girl’s Room

A very special room full of bold colors and theatric style. Combining vintage furniture and stylish accessories a room with character is born! Pinned Image

Most of the furniture are family heirloom while other stuff came from flea markets. After some serious painting they got a second chance in life. On the wall we see a really fancy wallpaper and above the modest pink bed they hang a big cute bow!  Noticed the hammock and the swing? A kid’s paradise that is!

There are not one, but two different lighting fixtures on the ceiling! I love the carpet – gras with the big flowers cushions!!

Fruit crates were painted in various colours and repurposed as toy shelves.  All in all a really beautiful room!!

Fotos: Isabelle McAllister

spotted on lafactoriaplastica

via familyliving